徐传奇1, 廖富强1,2, 贾玉连1,2, 黄思源1, 连丽聪1, 凌超豪1, 龙进1 |
Element geochemical characteristics of the reticulate red clay in southern China and its significance for the formation proccess of reticulated mottles
Xu Chuanqi 1, Liao Fuqiang 1,2, Jia Yulian 1,2, Huang Siyuan 1, Lian Licong 1, Ling Chaohao 1, Long Jin 1
长江中游九江沙河、土塘和岳阳港口大道剖面网纹红土中网纹与基质的SiO2—Al2O3—Fe2O3 三角图及其与赣北黄土、黄土高原黄土和南京下蜀土之间的关系 |