黄烈斌1, 刘一龙2, 纵瑞文3, 高丹霞1, 申岑1

Discovery of the Early Devonian hyoliths in East Junggar,Xinjiang and their palaeoecological and palaeogeographic significances
HUANG Liebin1, LIU Yilong2, ZONG Ruiwen3, GAO Danxia1, SHEN Cen1
新疆阿勒泰地区富蕴县恰乌卡尔地区下泥盆统托让格库都克组第1段中的软舌螺和共生化石 A-D—为 Costulatotheca schleigeri Earp, 2019 ;E—为F壳体横向生长纹特写; F-G—不完整的奥氏螺未定种 Ottomarites sp.,登记号: XJLD-157(F),XJLD-158(G);H—三叶虫 Odontochile sp.;I—腕足类 Schellwienella sp.。缩写解释: to,transverse ornamentation,横向纹饰; lr, longitudinal ribs,纵肋; hcs,half cross-section,半横截面