Sedimentary and environmental history of the Late Permian Bonikowo Reef (Zechstein Limestone, Wuchiapingian), western Poland
Pawe? Raczy��ski a, Tadeusz Marek Perytb, *, Wac?aw Strobelc
a Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Wrocaw, Pl. Maksa Borna 9, Wrocaw 50-205, Poland;
b Polish Geological Institute—National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, Warszawa 00-975, Poland;
c Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Do?wiadczalna 4, Lublin 20-290, Poland
The Bonikowo Reef occurs in the central part of the Zechstein Limestone Basin in western Poland and was growing on the topmost edges of tilted blocks and/or on the top of uplifted horsts of the Brandenburg-Wolsztyn-Pogorzela High. Its size is ca. 1.6 km2. The Bonikowo Reef shows the thickest reef section (90.5 m) recorded in the High. The Zechstein Limestone unit is represented mostly by limestones, often thoroughly recrystallized, although the macrotextures and biota of the boundstone are identi?able in most cases. The drillcore section is a mixture of boundstones (microbial and bryozoan), wackestones, packstones and grainstones, which often co-occur. The d13C and d18O values for both calcite (avg. 3.8 ± 0.8‰ and -3.4 ± 1.7‰, respectively) and dolomite (avg. 3.5 ± 0.7‰ and -5.2 ± 1.3‰, respectively) are transitional between the values previously reported for condensed sequences of the basinal facies and larger reef complexes. The biofacies of the Bonikowo Reef are very similar to those recognized in other reefs of the Brandenburg-Wolsztyn-Pogorzela High, which owe their origin to the destruction of bryozoan boundstones. The biota composition is typical and characteristic of other Zechstein Limestone reefs. However, the Bonikowo Reef demonstrates the importance of microbialites, laminar and nodose encrustations, in the growth and cohesion of the Zechstein Limestone reefs. Such encrustations abound within the Zechstein Limestone although, in many cases, the real nature of the encrustations is dif?cult to ascertain. These laminated encrustations show great similarity to Archaeolithoporella that is one of the most important Permian reef-building organisms. The encrustations considered to represent Archaeolithoporella were also previously recorded in the Zechstein Limestone of western Poland and in its stratigraphic equivalent, the Middle Magnesian Limestone of Northeast England. The lower part of the sequence shows great biofacies variability that re?ects common environmental changes. The major part of the section is represented by slope deposits
Paweł,Raczyń,ski et al. Sedimentary and environmental history of the Late Permian Bonikowo Reef (Zechstein Limestone, Wuchiapingian), western Poland[J]. Journal of Palaeogeography, 2017, 6(3): 183-205.
Paweł,Raczyń,ski et al. Sedimentary and environmental history of the Late Permian Bonikowo Reef (Zechstein Limestone, Wuchiapingian), western Poland[J]. Journal of Palaeogeography, 2017, 6(3): 183-205.
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