Journal of Palaeogeography becomes one of the “2017 China’s Most Influential International Academic Journals in China” (ToP 5%)
On November 22–23, 2017, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and Tsinghua University Library held the “Symposium on the Future of China’s Academic Journals” at the Beijing International Convention Center. During this symposium, the “Annual Report for International Citation of China’s Academic Journals” were formally released.
Journal of Palaeogeography (JoP) was selected as one of the Top 5% (i.e., 175 journals) of the “2017 China’s Most Influential International Academic Journals in China” among totally 4056 journals of natural science, which include the journals covered by the database of Web of Science. JoP has a Clout Index of 81.888, Impact Fact of International Non-self-citation of 1.625, and Impact Fact of 1.104. The selection was based on the Clout Index, which shows the great progress on international influence that JoP has gained.
Thanks for the efforts by all dear Editorial Committee members, authors, reviewers and readers!