热烈祝贺!Journal of Palaeogeography入选2022年度中国高校科技期刊建设示范案例·百佳科技期刊
中国高校科技期刊研究会第26次年会于2022年12月1日以线上会议形式召开。会议发布了2022年度“中国高校科技期刊建设示范案例库•杰出/百佳/优秀科技期刊”案例,Journal of Palaeogeography入选2022年度中国高校科技期刊建设示范案例库•百佳科技期刊。“中国高校科技期刊建设示范案例库•杰出/百佳/优秀科技期刊案例”评选由中国高校科技期刊研究会组织开展,旨在充分发挥先进案例的示范和引领作用,进一步鼓励高校科技期刊编辑出版单位不断提高期刊编辑出版质量和学术影响力,服务“双一流”建设。在中国高校科技期刊研究会征集和期刊出版单位推荐的基础上,通过对国内外相关数据库和评价机构的评价、计量结果等第三方客观数据进行加权计算,经过反复认真审核,并最终确认。
Journal of Palaeogeography一直坚持学术质量为期刊的生命力和根本保证。此次获奖是对Journal of Palaeogeography学术质量和影响力的充分肯定。Journal of Palaeogeography编辑部、编委会和期刊主管、主办单位将不忘初心、,在建设一流科技期刊、服务科技创新的道路上继续奋进。
Journal of Palaeogeography 由中国石油大学(北京)和科学出版社共同主办,季刊,出版领域涵盖古地理学与沉积学及其相关学科领域,出版文章类型有原创性论文、综述、报道、评论、学术争鸣与讨论等。本刊2017年11月被SCI收录,2019年11月入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划重点类期刊,位列古生物学学科领域Q1区,2021年进入中科院期刊分区地学大类I区Top期刊,2022年影响因子2.789。
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1 150 Years (1872–2022) of research on deep–water processes, deposits, settings, triggers, and deformation: A difficult domain of progress, dichotomy, diversion, omission, and groupthink
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2 The control of Pleistocene palaeogeography on the distribution of sandy patches in a silty Holocene lagoon (central Netherlands)
Ai-Ping Fan, A.J. (Tom) van Loon, Ren-Chao Yang, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jop.2022.08.003
3Mid-Cretaceous Hainan back-arc basin: record of the sustained extension of South China margin Yan Chen, Jun Meng, Hao Liu, Tao Liu, Ze-Ying Zhao, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jop.2022.07.003
4Application of remote sensing in the description of fluvial system in dryland: A case study of Golmud distributive fluvial system, Qaidam Basin, NW China
Xiang-Hui Zhang, Chang-Min Zhang, Wen-Jie Feng, Rui Zhu, Qing-Hai Xu, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jop.2022.07.001
5 Sedimentology and foraminiferal paleoecology of the exposed Oligocene–Miocene Ogwashi-Asaba Formation in Issele-Uku area, Anambra Basin, southern Nigeria: A paleoenvironmental reconstruction
J.A. Adeoye, V.O. Jolayemi, S.O. Akande, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jop.2022.09.001
6 A new oospecies of Shixingoolithus (Shixingoolithus qianshanensis oosp. nov.) from the Qianshan Basin, Anhui Province, East China
Qing He, Zhong-Liang Chen, Shu-Kang Zhang, Ze-Wen Gui, Ya-Ting Chen, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jop.2022.08.001
7 Scales in the Early Cretaceous bird Gansus from China provide evidence on the evolution of avian scales, Tao Zhao, Zhi-Heng Li, He Zhang, Yan-Hong Pan, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jop.2022.08.002
8Genesis and mechanisms of organic matter enrichment of the Hongshuizhuang Formation in the Zhoukoudian area of Jingxi sag, North China
Jin-Hua Zeng, Xiao-Dong Lan, Hao Liu, Yu-Shuai Wei, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jop.2022.07.002