The sedimentary model of the Upper Member of Guantao Formation on the northern slope of Kengdong uplift in Bohai Bay Basin was established by analyses of core observation, granularity data, parameter calculation, drilling and logging data, combining with the domestic foreign river research result. The investigation indicated that the Upper Member of Guantao Formation in the study area was fluvial deposition, and it could be determined as the transitional fluvial type between braided fluvial and meandering fluvial according to the sediment characteristics and the planar distribution. The average curvature of the channel is more than 1.7, and the vertical sequence is characterized by meandering fluvial deposits with higher content of mudstone and lower content of sandstone.The top of the sequence usually directly overlied the flood plain deposits, especially the channel distributed fluvial was formed due to the development of the sandbar in the interior of the channel. The granularity characteristic of the sandbar sediments showed great difference from the meandering fluvial facies, that is, it is controlled by flood. In this paper, the sedimentary model for the Upper Member of Guantao Formation was established in terms of the anabranched river concept which is used widely in hydraulics and topography. The subfaices includes fluvial bed, bank, floodplain, abandoned channel which constituted a fining upward positive cycle. The channel sandbar is the main sandbody and is usually directly overlied by floodplain deposits. The crevasee fan sandbodies are seconly favorable to the channel sandbar.
. Investigation of sedimentary facies model of the Upper Member of Guantao Formation on northern slope of Kendong arch in Bohai Bay Basin[J]. JOPC, 2008, 10(5): 511-520.