Internal architecture of alluvial fan in the Triassic Lower Karamay Formation in Karamay Oilfield,Xinjiang
Wu Shenghe1,2, Fan Zheng1,2, Xu Changfu3, Yue Dali1,2, Zheng Zhan1,2, Peng Shouchang3, Wang Wei1,2
1 State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting,China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing 102249 2 College of Geosciences,China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing 102249 3 Research Institute of Exploration and Development,Xinjiang Oilfield Company,PetroChina,Karamay 834000,Xinjiang
Abstract:Based on abundant borehole data of close-spacing wells and outcrop analogue,this paper mainly deals with the hierarchical system of internal architecture of alluvial fan and establishes the corresponding architectural model in the Triassic Lower Karamay Formation in Karamay Oilfield.Three orders of architectural elements are divided in each subfacies belt within alluvial fan to further demonstrate its depositional complexity.Inner fan,which can be dividied into main trench,sheet-flood belt,and overbank,is characterized by main trench-fill and sheet-flood sand-gravel deposits with thin discrete fine layer,resulting in a kind of pano-connective sand-gravel body.And in the main trench,gravel body(gravel bar and gulley deposits)and debris flow deposits are developed.In the sheet-flood belt,sand-gravel deposits(gravel bar and gulley deposits)are developed.In the overbank belt,sandbody and fine deposits are developed.Middle fan,which can be divided into braided-stream belt and overbank,is characterized by the pattern of lateral apartment and vertical interbedding of channel sand-gravel deposits with overbank fine ones.Braided fluvial belt mainly consists of braided channels,which can be divided further into sandy bar and gulley deposit.Outer fan,which can be divided into runoff belt and marshy,is characterized by narrow-belt runoff channel sandbodies inlaid into overbank and/or marshy mudstone.
Wu Shenghe,Fan Zheng,Xu Changfu et al. Internal architecture of alluvial fan in the Triassic Lower Karamay Formation in Karamay Oilfield,Xinjiang[J]. JOPC, 2012, 14(3): 331-340.
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