Study on man-land relationship from the Yangshao cultural period to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in southern Shanxi Province
Li Tuoyu1, Mo Duowen2, Hu Ke3, Wang Haibin2, Zhang Yifei2, Ren Xiaolin2
1 MOE Engineering Center of Desertification and Blown-sand Control, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875 2 College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871 3 Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi
Abstract:Based on the OSL (Optically Stimulated Luminescence) dating data and the magnetic susceptibilities of sedimentary samples from the Holocene loess profile, the paleotemperature and paleoprecipitation were reconstructed,and combining with the cultural characteristics from the Yangshao cultural period to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the distribution ratio of these cultures settlements on different landform types of the southern Shanxi Province,the relationship between Holocene environmental change and cultural evolution in southern Shanxi Province was discussed. The results revealed that the climate was warm and humid during the early-Yangshao and mid-Yangshao periods,with the paleosol originated from active pedogenic processes,which promoted the generation and development of culture. The climate changed from warm-humid to warm-dry during the late-Yangshao culture period,which effected the development of culture. The climate was cooler and drier than before during Longshan culture period,but it was still warmer and wetter than present,the drier climate might promote ancestors to live near the water catchment area,and the production technology gradually increased,which promoted the fast development of culture. The climate continued to be cool and dry during the Xia,Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties,and the development of culture was restricted. In the Eastern Zhou Dynasty the climate was still cool and dry,however,with the evolution of human society,the restriction of environment to culture decreased gradually. Most of the archaeological settlements located on the landforms that were suitable for agricultural production,such as alluvial plain,loess tableland and piedmont sloping plain. With the climate turning to be cool and dry gradually after Longshan culture period,the scope of human activity showed a tendency from loess tableland and piedmont sloping plain to alluvial plain.
Li Tuoyu,Mo Duowen,Hu Ke et al. Study on man-land relationship from the Yangshao cultural period to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in southern Shanxi Province[J]. JOPC, 2014, 16(6): 955-962.
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