Characteristics and palaeoceanographic significances of microbialite development in the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition: a case study from Hannan-Micangshan area
Deng Jia-Ting1, Li Fei1,2, Gong Qiao-Lin1, Li Hong1, Yi Chu-Heng1, Lian Cheng-Bo1
1 School of Geoscience and Technology, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China; 2 Sichuan Key Laboratory of Natural Gas Geology, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
Abstract:Early Cambrian not only witnessed the explosion of animals,but also experienced a large-scale cyanobacterial calcification event that was rare in Precambrian. The transition of seawater chemistry from Ediacaran to Cambrian played a crucial role in the evolution of eukaryotes,but it is still unclear whether this transition also had impacts on the development and compositions of microbialites and on the start of cyanobacterial calcification event. This study conducted a systematic field investigation and petrological examination on the microbialite structures from the Upper Ediacaran to Cambrian Series 2 in the Hannan-Micangshan area that is located in the northern part of the Upper Yangtze area of the South China Block. The stromatolites of the Dengying Formation show regularly and irregularly laminated structures; the thrombolites are generally distributed between stromatolite layers or shown as individual,thick-bedded rocks,with fine-grained clotted and lump structures. In the the Xiannüdong Formation of Cambrian Series 2,the abundance of stromatolites is significantly reduced in the study area. The composition of microbialites is characterized by rigid,mound-like structures,including individual microbial mounds,and calcimicrobe-archaeocyathan bioherms. Although the laminated and clotted structures of microbialites of Cambiran Series 2 are similar to those of the Ediacaran,the Cambrian forms contain a large number of sheath-calcified microbial microfossils in microstructures,including Epiphyton,Renalcis, Girvanella, etc. Based on the literature review results of the characteristics and occurrences of the microbialites of Cambiran Series 2,this study has preliminarily sorted out the temporal and spatial distributions of the microbialites in the Cambrian Series 2 of South China. This study agrees with previous understandings that the high Ca2+ concentration in seawater and the reactive of CO2 concentration mechanism in cyanobacteria may have played a key role in the initiation of Cambrian cyanobacterial calcification event. In addition,the seawater chemical compositions in the Cambrian Series 2 that were changed from “aragonite-dolomite sea” to “calcite sea”,as well as the exceptional burial mechanism of clay coating within calcified microstructures may also be seen as two favorable conditions for the preservation of early Cambrian calcified microorganisms,which should be paid attention to.
Deng Jia-Ting,Li Fei,Gong Qiao-Lin et al. Characteristics and palaeoceanographic significances of microbialite development in the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition: a case study from Hannan-Micangshan area[J]. JOPC, 2021, 23(5): 919-936.
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