Abstract:Wave-current interaction is one of the main types of flow interaction under complex hydrodynamic system,and the deposits of combined flow affected by wave-current interaction is one of the common sedimentary types studied in this area. In this paper,the movement mechanism of fine-grained sand and the sedimentary features under the wave-current interaction are reviewed and predicted,and the identification characteristics of sedimentary structures of combined-flow are summarized. The main conclusions include: (1)wave-current interaction leads to the waning flow suspended deposits in general. The microsedimentary mechanism include: the spray deposit beyond brink point(S1),residual vortex deposit(S2),the spray deposit under brink point(S3),avalanching deposit in the lee side(S4),vertical falling deposit(S5);(2)deposition processes under wave-current interaction are mainly controlled by the suspended sand amount and the deposition time,and the five sedimentary mechanisms resulted in different deposition associations and different morphologies of sea bed;(3)the identification on sedimentary structures of combined flow include: combined-flow ripple,combined-flow-ripple lamination,climbing combined-flow-ripple lamination,asymmetry hummocky cross-bedding,quasi-planar lamination,and frequent alternation of wave-ripple and current-ripple bedding. The studies in this paper are significant for understanding the sedimentology under complex hydrodynamic conditions and the identification of deep-water and shallow water sedimentary environments.
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