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古地理学报  2022, Vol. 24 Issue (6): 1193-1209    10.7605/gdlxb.2022.06.055
地球化学及沉积环境 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
黄天海1,2,3, 肖笛1,2,3, 唐浩1,2,3, 李双建4, 郑剑锋5, 周力1,2,3, 谭秀成1,2,3
1 西南石油大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,四川成都 610500;
2 中国石油集团碳酸盐岩储层重点实验室西南石油大学研究分室,四川成都 610500;
3 西南石油大学四川省天然气地质重点实验室,四川成都 610500;
4 中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083;
5 中国石油杭州地质研究院,浙江杭州 310023
Sedimentary environment identification and hydrocarbon source significance of black shale of the Ordovician Meitan Formation at Banqiao section in Zunyi,Guizhou
HUANG Tianhai1,2,3, XIAO Di1,2,3, TANG Hao1,2,3, LI Shuangjian4, ZHENG Jianfeng5, ZHOU Li1,2,3, TAN Xiucheng1,2,3
1 State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500, China;
2 Research Branch of Southwest Petroleum University,Key Laboratory of Carbonate Reservoirs,CNPC,Chengdu 610500, China;
3 Sichuan Natural Gas Geology Key Laboratories,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500, China;
4 Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute,SINOPEC,Beijing 100083, China;
5 PetroChina Hangzhou Research Institute of Geology,Hangzhou 310023, China

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