Sedimentary environment evolution and event deposition of the Neopro-terozoic Niyuan Formation of Zhaowei section in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province,China
MENG Yan1,2, LI Zhuangfu1,2, SHEN Yulin1,2, YANG Tianyang2, JING Yuhong2, WEN Zuchao2, ZHU Yulin2, LIU Bingwen2
1 Key Laboratory of CBM Resource and Reservoir Formation Process,China Ministry of Education, China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China; 2 School of Resources and Geosciences,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221008,China
Abstract:The Neoproterozoic Niyuan Formation in Zhaowei, Xuzhou is exposed completely and continuously, with representative lithologic assemblages, abundant sedimentary phenomena, and a large number of typical event deposits, which has been a concern for a long time because of its controversial genesis. Based on the field macro lithologic assemblage and microscopic rock characteristics of the Niyuan Formation, and by means of macro-micro comparison, this paper analyzes the sedimentary environment and event sedimentary characteristics of the Niyuan Formation and discusses the causes of frequent occurrence and diverse types of event deposition. The results show that: (1) The sedimentary environment of the Niyuan Formation from base to top is lagoon-the middle and upper part of the gentle slope-the lower part of the gentle slope-the middle and upper part of the gentle slope-tidal flat or lagoon; (2) The development of event deposits in each section is different. Gravelly limestone and scouring filling structure are developed in each section, but the lower and middle sections are large. In addition, seismic breccia and liquefied diapir structure are seen in some parts of the middle section, molar-tooth structure is developed at the top, while molar-tooth structure is mainly seen at the bottom of the upper section, and soft sediment deformation structure and cross bedding are seen in the middle and upper part. Based on the analysis of sedimentary environment, it is considered that the event sediments mainly occurred in the gentle slope environment, tidal flat and lagoon environment; (3) Synthesizing the above research results, it is concluded that the dynamic mechanism of the special cycle composed of frequent multi-type event sedimentation and normal sedimentation of the Niyuan Formation may be related to periodic earthquake-storm action, that is, it can be the result of multi-factor coupling effect caused by the superposition of extensional regional tectonic movement on the eastern margin of North China platform and the Milankovitch cycle caused by the convergence and fragmentation of the Rodinia paleocontinent.
MENG Yan,LI Zhuangfu,SHEN Yulin et al. Sedimentary environment evolution and event deposition of the Neopro-terozoic Niyuan Formation of Zhaowei section in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province,China[J]. JOPC, 2023, 25(2): 308-322.
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