Characteristics of the Permian reefs in Aergeshan,eastern Kunlun Mountains and their palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic significance
Fan JiasongTian ShugangWu Yasheng
1 Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100029
2 Institute of Geology Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Beijing 100037
The huge and spectacular Permian reefs exposed in eastern Kunlun Mountains occur in three stratigraphic horizonsThey are the Lower Permian or AsselianSakmarianArtinskian Stages,the Qixia Stage and Maokou Stage of Middle Permian,in which,the Lower Permian reefs and Middle Permian Qixia reefs are the first discoveries of Permian reefs in China,although some microbial reefs of Lower Permian were discovered in southern Qinling MountainsThe Lower Permian reefs consist of three types of reefs: sponge reefs,bryozoan reefs and Shamovella Archaeolithoporella cement reefs The reefs in the Qixia Stage of Middle Permian are also composed of three types: sponge bryozoan reefs, Shamovella bryozoan reefs and phylloid algal reefs The reefs in the Maokou Stage of Middle Permian are generally the same as those of Qixia reefsThe Permian reefs in the Aergeshan are regarded asa component part in TadzhikistanKarakoram Terrane which was situated paleolatitudinally to the north of 30°S in the eastern Tethys The Permian reefs here are composed of various kinds of organisms,including coralline sponges,bryozoans, Shamovella,Archaeolithoporella ,phylloid and dasycladacean algae,echinoderms,foraminifers and gastropods,but no Palaeoaplysina Thus we could infer that these reefs were formed in warm seawater under temperate and tropical climate,rather than in cool water
About author: Fan Jiasong,born in 1931,was graduated from the former Beijing Institute of Geology in 1953His research is mainlyin the field of stratigraphy and paleontologyNow he is engaged in the study f ancient reefs in China
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. Characteristics of the Permian reefs in Aergeshan,eastern Kunlun Mountains and their palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic significance[J]. JOURNAL OF PALAEOGEOGRAPHY, 2004, 6(3): 329-338.
. Characteristics of the Permian reefs in Aergeshan,eastern Kunlun Mountains and their palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic significance[J]. JOPC, 2004, 6(3): 329-338.