Pollen assemblage characters of human disturbed vegetation in arid area in northwestern China
Ma Yanling1, Xu Qinghai1,2, Huang Xiaozhong1, Zhou Gang1, Zhang Liyan2, Tao Shichen1, Sun Huiling1
1 Key Laboratory of Western Chinas Environmental System, Ministry of Education,Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu 2 College of Resources and Environment Science, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050016, Hebei
Abstract Assessment of human impact on modern vegetation has become a key issue in explaining the past human activities and their environmental effects. Studies on 40 surface pollen assemblages of farmlands and wildlands in arid northwestern area of China show that the pollen concentration of farmlands is lower than that of wildlands, which are 7227 grains/g and 32704 grains/g respectively. The percentages of agricultural pollen types from farmlands are larger than those of wildlands, while the agricultural pollen types are not dominant in both of the assemblages. The pollen assemblages in farmlands reflect not only local plant compositions of the lands but also regional vegetation information. The percentages of shrubs pollen of farmlands are lower than that of wildlands, and weed pollens are more abundant. Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia and Ephedra pollen widely present in all the samples. The percentages of different agricultural pollens indicate different vegetation in local and regional areas. The results of cluster analysis furthermore indicate a consistency of pollen assemblages between farmlands and wildlands. The percentages of vitaceae pollen are dominant and pollen assemblages are consisted well in grape lands, while not present in other vegetation types. The percentages of malvaceae pollen are quite low and other species are the main pollen types, with poor consistency to the local vegetation cover. If the farmlands and wildlands are close and the percentages of agricultural pollen of farmlands are low, pollen assemblages of the two land types are similar.
About author: Ma Yanling, born in 1985, is a master candidate of Lanzhou University. Now she is mainly engaged in researches of palynology. About the corresponding author Huang Xiaozhong, born in 1977, is an associate professor of Lanzhou University. Now he is mainly engaged in researches of paleoecology and paleoenvironment. E-mail:xzhuang@lzu.edu.cn.
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Ma Yanling,Xu Qinghai,Huang Xiaozhong et al. Pollen assemblage characters of human disturbed vegetation in arid area in northwestern China[J]. JOURNAL OF PALAEOGEOGRAPHY, 2009, 11(5): 542-550.
Ma Yanling,Xu Qinghai,Huang Xiaozhong et al. Pollen assemblage characters of human disturbed vegetation in arid area in northwestern China[J]. JOPC, 2009, 11(5): 542-550.
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