Sedimentary characteristics and mineralization model of high ̄grade phosphorite in the Sinian Doushantuo Age of Kaiyang area, central Guizhou Province
Zhang Yaguan1, Du Yuansheng1, Chen Guoyong2, Liu Jianzhong3, Wang Zepeng3, Xu Yuanyuan1, Tan Daiwei3, Li Lei3, Wang Dafu3, Wu Wenming3
1 State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology,China University of Geosciences(Wuhan),Wuhan 430074,Hubei; 2 Science and Technology Information Department,Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration and Development of Guizhou Province,Guiyang 550004,Guizhou; 3 Geological Brigade 105,Brueau of Geology and Mineral Exploration Development of Guizhou Province,Guiyang 550018,Guizhou;
Abstract There were thick and high-grade phosphorite beds in Kaiyang area of central Guizhou Province during the global phosphogenesis events in the Sinian Doushantuo Age. This paper used thin sections observation,stratigraphic comparison and subdivision and sedimentary facies analysis to study the sedimentary characteristics and mineralization model of phosphorite deposits in the Sinian Doushantuo Age in Kaiyang area,central Guizhou Province. The result showed that: (1)Kaiyang area was located in north margin of Central Guizhou Old Land which was a phosphorus beach during the Sinian Doushantuo Age. The high-grade phosphorite ore in Kaiyang area was mainly composed of sand clastic phosphate rocks which were formed in the process of sedimentation-diagenesis of phosphorus-rich deposits,during which they were erosion and broken,exposed and leached,accumulated and cemented repeatedly. (2)The palaeogeographic environment and unstable seawater condition controlled the deposition and enrichment of phosphorite in Kaiyang area. Shore face zone like Yangshui or Yongwen which were in a depositional condition with moderately-deep seawater in the Sinian Doushantuo Age was the advantageous metallogenetic zone. Foreshore zone with too shallow seawater and offshore zone with too deep seawater were unbeneficial for phosphorus aggregation and mineralization. (3)The dynamic mineralization model of phosphorite deposits in Kaiyang area showed that frequent transgression and regression during the Doushantuo Age made phosphate rocks which originally deposited in shore face zone experienced multi-stages erosion,exposure,leaching,cementing and redeposition. Physical winnowing action,weathering and leaching gathered phosphorus and ultimately led to the formation of high-grade phosphorite.
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Du Yuansheng,born in 1958,is a professor and Ph.D. supervisor of China University of Geosciences(Wuhan), and he is mainly engaged in sedimentary geology. E-mail:
About author: Zhang Yaguan,born in 1990,is a Ph.D. candidate of China University of Geosciences(Wuhan), and his major is sedimentary geology. E-mail: the corresponding author Du Yuansheng,born in 1958,is a professor and Ph.D. supervisor of China University of Geosciences(Wuhan), and he is mainly engaged in sedimentary geology. E-mail:
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Zhang Yaguan,Du Yuansheng,Chen Guoyong et al. Sedimentary characteristics and mineralization model of high ̄grade phosphorite in the Sinian Doushantuo Age of Kaiyang area, central Guizhou Province[J]. JOPC, 2016, 18(4): 581-594.
Zhang Yaguan,Du Yuansheng,Chen Guoyong et al. Sedimentary characteristics and mineralization model of high ̄grade phosphorite in the Sinian Doushantuo Age of Kaiyang area, central Guizhou Province[J]. JOPC, 2016, 18(4): 581-594.
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