Characteristics of fabric selective pore distribution in carbonate sequence stratigraphy framework: A case study from platform margin facies of the Upper Ordovician Lianglitage Formation in Tazhong area,Tarim Basin
Qu Haizhou1, 2, 3, Sun Yaobin2, Zhang Yunfeng1, 2, 3, Pan Wenqing4, Zhang Zhenghong4, Yuan Ping4, Fan Kunyu4, Zhong Zhiqi2
1 Sichuan Key Laboratory of Natural Gas Geology,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan; 2 Institute of Earth Science and Technology,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan; 3 State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan; 4 Tarim Oilfield Company,PetroChina,Korla 841000,Xinjiang
Abstract The fabric selective pore is an important pore type of reservoir in the platform margin of the Upper Ordovician Lianglitage Formation in Tazhong area,Tarim Basin. The distribution of fabric pores in the sequence stratigraphy framework is not clear. Based on the analysis of mass data of cores,thin sections,well logging and seismic data,the fabric selective pores in Lianglitage Formation in sequence stratigraphy framework were classified into seven types,including solution interparticle pore,solution intraparticle pore,moldic pore,interparticle pore,fenestral pore,biointraparticle pore and growth framework pore. Within the high ̄frequency sequences, the fabric selective pores usually develop in the upper part of the reef-bank complex,which is interpreted to be exposed to the vadose zone and phreatic zone during the relative sea level drop. These fabric selective pores usually form a 10-40 m thick layer ,and each type of pores displays a distinct vertical distribution pattern. The development of fabric selective pores is controlled by the humid paleoclimate, frequent changes of relative sea-level, high deposition rate and the original high permeability in reef-bank complex in the platform margin. In the third order sequence,the layer of fabric selective pores mainly develop in the high stand system,and are distributed in the Member 3-Member 1 of Lianglitage Formation. Vertical distribution of fabric selective pore can be grouped into 5 stages,most of which are distributed in the progradational parasequence sets of 6, 8 and 9 followed by the aggradational parasequence sets of 5,7 and 10. From east to west,the amount, thickness and porosity of the fabric selective pore layers decrease across the study area,with the dominant types of fabric selective pores gradually changing from solution intraparticle pore,solution interparticle pores,moldic pores,biointraparticle pores into fenestral pores,solution intraparticle dissolved pores and solution interparticle dissolved pores.
Fund:Co-funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.41702163, 41702122), the Open Fund of Sichuan Key Laboratory of Natural Gas Geology(No.2015trqdz05), Scientific Research Starting Project of SWPU(No; 2017QHZ008) and the National Science and Technology Major Project(No.2011ZX05004-004)
Corresponding Authors:
Zhong Dakang,born in 1961,is a professor of China University of Petroleum(Beijing). He is mainly engaged in researches of sedimentology and reservoir geology. E-mail:
About author: Qu Haizhou,born in 1987,is a Ph.D. and lecture of Southwest Petroleum University. He is mainly engaged in researches on sedimentology and reservoir geology. E-mail:
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Qu Haizhou,Sun Yaobin,Zhang Yunfeng et al. Characteristics of fabric selective pore distribution in carbonate sequence stratigraphy framework: A case study from platform margin facies of the Upper Ordovician Lianglitage Formation in Tazhong area,Tarim Basin[J]. JOPC, 2017, 19(5): 879-891.
Qu Haizhou,Sun Yaobin,Zhang Yunfeng et al. Characteristics of fabric selective pore distribution in carbonate sequence stratigraphy framework: A case study from platform margin facies of the Upper Ordovician Lianglitage Formation in Tazhong area,Tarim Basin[J]. JOPC, 2017, 19(5): 879-891.
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