Applicability of SGC(standardised growth curve) method in quartz OSL dating of Old Red Sands at coastal areas in South China
Cheng Yan1, 3, Li Zhi-Zhong1, 2, 3, Jin Jian-Hui1, 2, 3, Xu Xiao-Lin1, 3, Li Zhi-Xing1, 3, Liu Xiao-Ju1, 3
1 State Key Laboratory for Subtropical Mountain Ecology of the Ministry of Science and Technology and Fujian Province,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,Fujian; 2 Institute of Geography,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,Fujian; 3 College of Geographical Science, Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,Fujian
Abstract Development of an accurate chronological and stratigraphic framework in Old Red Sands remains a challenge in practice. Compared to the traditional single aliquot regeneration(SAR)method,standardised growth curve(SGC)has unique advantages in reducing the testing time and improving the testing efficiency of luminescence dating. Therefore,it has been widely applied in the dating of loess and desert sediments in inland China. In this paper,we will attempt to apply the SGC method to the chronological analysis of the Old Red Sands deposited along the coast of South China. From the Old Red Sands along the coastal belts of Fujian and Hainan,a total of 20 samples were collected from four sections for dating using both the SAR and SGC methods. Two meaningful conclusions can be drawn from this study. Firstly,the luminescence signals in the Old Red Sands from both Fujian and Hainan are dominated by fast components. With more than 80% of fast components in the signal integration channel before 0.64s,it is suitable to use both SAR and SGC for dating. The photoionization cross section of the Fujian Old Red Sands is 2.62×10-17 cm2 and 3.24×10-18 cm2 and is 2.66×10-17 cm2 and 3.51×10-18 cm2 for the Hainan Old Red Sands. The IR depletion ratio(IRSL/OSL)of samples from these two areas shows that the IR luminescence signals in older samples are significantly higher than those in the younger ones,which may be affected by the feldspar inclusions. Nevertheless,all the IRSL/OSL values are less than 10%,complying with the SAR and SGC test requirements. Secondly,the SGC method is more effective in OSL chronological studies of the Old Red Sands at coastal areas in South China. The dose growth curves among different samples show similar growth model. Therefore,a standard growth curve can be established. However,the standard growth curves between Fujian and Hainan Old Red Sands show significant differences. Therefore,extra cautions need to be exercised when applying the standard curve method to larger areas.
Fund:Co-funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos. 41771020,41301012),NSFC-Fujian Province Untied Foundation(No. U1405231),Natural Science Foundation of Fujian(No.2017J01460),Fujian Provincial Public Welfare Research Institute Basic Scientific Research Fund Special Advantage Field Key Projects(No.2018R1101006-5) and Innovation Foundation of Graduate School of Geography,Fujian Normal University(No.20150839)
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Li Zhi-Zhong,born in 1962,doctor, is a professor and supervior of Fujian Normal University,and is mainly engaged in aeolian geomorphology and the evolution of Quaternary environment. E-mail:
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Cheng Yan,Li Zhi-Zhong,Jin Jian-Hui et al. Applicability of SGC(standardised growth curve) method in quartz OSL dating of Old Red Sands at coastal areas in South China[J]. JOPC, 2018, 20(3): 501-514.
Cheng Yan,Li Zhi-Zhong,Jin Jian-Hui et al. Applicability of SGC(standardised growth curve) method in quartz OSL dating of Old Red Sands at coastal areas in South China[J]. JOPC, 2018, 20(3): 501-514.
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