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Journal of Palaeogeography  2025, Vol. 14 Issue (1): 126-140    DOI: 10.1016/j.jop.2024.12.004
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Autocyclic switching processes and architecture of lobes in river-dominated lacustrine deltas
Zhen-Hua Xua,b,*, Sheng-He Wua,b, Piret Plink-Björklundc, Tao Zhangd, Da-Li Yuea,b, Qi-Hao Qiane, Qing Lia,b, Wen-Jie Fengf
aNational Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Engineering, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing 102249, China;
bCollege of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing 102249, China;
cDepartment of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden 80401, USA;
dGas Production Plant 2, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Yulin 719000, Shaanxi Province, China;
ePetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Beijing 100083, China;
fCollege of Geosciences, Yangtze University, Wuhan 430100, Hubei Province, China

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