Abstract A full global geodynamical model over 600 million years (Ma) has been developed at the University of Lausanne during the past 20 years. We show herein how the 2D maps were converted into 3D (i.e., full hypsometry and bathymetry), using a heuristic-based approach. Although the synthetic topography may be viewed as relatively crude, it has the advantage of being applicable anywhere on the globe and at any geological time. The model allows estimating the sea-level changes throughout the Phanerozoic, with the possibility, for the first time, to flood accordingly continental areas. One of the most striking results is the good correlation with ��measured�� sea-level changes, implying that long-term variations are predominantly tectonically-driven. Volumes of mountain relief are also estimated through time and compared with strontium isotopic ratio (Sr-ratio), commonly thought to reflect mountain belt erosion. The tectonic impact upon the general Sr-ratio trend is shown herein for the first time, although such influence was long been inferred.|
Fund:We gratefully thank all members of the Prof. Stampfli��s working group for sharing their data, ideas and time with us. The Swiss National Fund (SNF) and SHELL equally acknowledged for funding the present work. We are very grateful to Prof. Zeng-Zhao Feng, Dr. Xiu-Mian Hu, Prof. Huw Davies, and Dr. Stephen Johnston for their useful and constructive comments. The geodynamical model is now the property of NEFTEX Petroleum Consultants Ltd. We gratefully acknowledge permission from NEFTEX Petroleum Consultant Ltd. to publish these derived results.
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