PRACTICAL ONCOLOGY JOURNAL ›› 2015, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (2): 133-135.doi: 10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2015.02.008

• Case Report • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Transitional cell carcinoma in the nasal cavity:a case report and review of the literature

SUN Yanshuang1,JI Junsheng2   

  1. 1.The Graduate Department of Bengbu Medical College,Bengbu 233001,china;
    2.Department of Pathology,The People′s Liberation Army 82nd Hospital
  • Received:2014-11-05 Online:2015-04-28 Published:2015-05-05

Abstract: The primary transitional cell carcinoma in nasal cavity is clinically manifested by progessively increasing nasal decongestion,bloody and purulent secretion intermittent appear,headaches,hearing loss.The macroscopic character showed that a medium gray red ground tissue.The tumor cells were arranged in nested,papillary by microscopy,the nucleus was round or oval shape,the tumor cells was infiltrating growth,basophilia or bright.Immunhistochenmical showed that P63,CK5/6,CK18,UroplakinIII,CerbB-2,CEA were positive,Ki67 positive index was about S-100,Cga,Syn,Calponinare all tested negative.Nasal primary transitional cell carcinoma is uncommon clinically,and it is easy to misdiagnosed.Its diagnosis and differential diagnosis mainly depends on pathological histoloy and immunohistochenmical examination.

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