PRACTICAL ONCOLOGY JOURNAL ›› 2015, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 549-552.doi: 10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2015.06.015

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The application and research progress of Tumstatin

YU Qian1, WANG Jijun1, ZHU Jiang2, HE Yan1   

  1. 1.Department of Pathology,Harbin Medical University,Harbin 150081,China;
    2.The Fist Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical Uiversity
  • Received:2015-05-25 Online:2015-12-28 Published:2015-12-28

Abstract: Growth of tumor need new blood vessel to meet the demand for adequate oxygen and nutrients.Inhibiting the formation of blood vessel can inhibit growth of tumor.In all of the endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors deriving from the type IV collagen.Study of tumstatin is the most widely.Tumstatin can inhibit endothelial proliferation and induce the apoptosis of endothelial cell.This article reviews the research status of the tumstatin.

Key words: Tumstatin, Apoptosis, Proliferation, Blood

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