PRACTICAL ONCOLOGY JOURNAL ›› 2011, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (4): 344-346.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-3070.2011.04.011

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Analysis of survival related factors in 174 breast cancer

CANG Bai1,ZHOU Wei2,CAI Li1   

  1. The Third Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical Uniuersity,Harbin 150081
  • Received:2010-12-09 Online:2011-04-25 Published:2012-02-21

Abstract: Objective To analyze the survival-related factors of breast cancer patients.Method SPSS 17.0 was used to analyze the correlation of tumor location,tumor size;postoperative clinical stage,pathological stage and ER status with 5-year survival of 174 breast cancer patients.Making Kaplan-Meier survival curves,comparative analysis.Result The age of high risk incidence of breast cancer was 40-49;The clinical stages is different,the survival curves are different.Tumor size and axillaries lymph node metastasis had positive correlation.The 5-year survival rate for postmenopausal patients was lower than that of pre-menopausal patients.ER(-)cases average disease-free survival was less than that of ER(+)cases.Conclusion Early detection,early diagnosis and early systemic therapy of breast cancer must be paid attention to.Breast cancer screening should be spread to the whole society.

Key words: Breast cancer, 5-years survival rate, Survival associated factors

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