PRACTICAL ONCOLOGY JOURNAL ›› 2014, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (5): 445-446.doi: 10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2014.05.014

• Case Report • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Malignant mesenchymoma of vulvar in youth:A case report and literature review

SUN Yanshuang   

  1. 1.The graduate department of Bengbu medical college,Bengbu 233001,China;
    2.Special Clinic department,The people's Liberation Army 82nd Hospital affiliated to Bengbu medical college
  • Received:2014-07-13 Online:2014-10-28 Published:2014-10-28

Abstract: Malignant mesenchymoma is composed by two or more unrelated mesenchymal elements,it is rare in clinic.Both domestic and abroad have few case reports,it tends to occur in older people and the incidence of mesenchymoma is higher in males than in females.The malignant tumor in young female genital is more rare.Malignant mesenchymoma often appears in limbs,it is difficult to be diagnosed before surgical operation.It is confirmed by pathological examination.The degree of this malignant is higher and the recurrence rate is high.There is no specificity in clinic.The imaging characteristics are so less that it can not be taken seriously.We report a case of malignant mesenchymoma in vulva which is confirmed by pathology.

Key words: Malignant mesenchymoma, Vulvar, Diagnosis

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