Discussion about depositional models of fan delta: A case study from the Lower Triassic Baikouquan Formation in Mabei area,Junggar Basin
Peng Biao1, Jin Zhenkui1, Zhu Xiao'er1, Cui Xuemin1, Yang Tianbo1, Shi Liang1, 2
1 College of Geosciences,China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing 102249; 2 Research Institute for Exploration & Development,Jidong Oilfield Company,PetroChina,Tangshan 063004,Hebei
Abstract:Fan deltas are important reservoirs for hydrocarbon accumulation. A reliable depositional model of fan deltas is an essential guide for reservoir prediction. The Lower Triassic Baikouquan Formation in Mabei area of Junggar Basin is characterized by the development of fan-delta systems. Although a lot of studies have been done,it is still controversial about the depositional model of fan delta. Based on a comprehensive analysis of modern depositional systems, flume experiment and a subsurface dataset from the Mabei area,it is found that: (1)In fan-delta plain,three types of depositional microfacies,including braided channel,conglomeratic overbank and subaerial outer-fan mud,have been identified,and debris flow deposits exists;in fan-delta front,two types of depositional microfacies,including conglomerate shoal and sandy shoal,have been identified,and subaqueous debris flow deposits exists;(2)In fan-delta plain,channel and inter-channel are dominated by coarse-grained deposits without muddy deposits,and the deposits of channel is better sorted than inter-channel;(3)Fan delta front is dominated by sheet-like,coarse-grained deposits from sheet flow.
Peng Biao,Jin Zhenkui,Zhu Xiao'er et al. Discussion about depositional models of fan delta: A case study from the Lower Triassic Baikouquan Formation in Mabei area,Junggar Basin[J]. JOPC, 2017, 19(2): 315-326.
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