Mineral and rare earth elements characteristics of tight dolomite surrounding rock in the Member 1 of Sanya Formation in Well Xike 1,Xisha Islands,China
MA Yazeng1,2, CHEN Shu1,2, LIU Zhen1, WANG Yaru1, WEI Haotian3, WEI Zhihao1, ZHANG Zijin4, XU Hong2,5, LUO Jinxiong1
1 School of Geosciences,Yangtze University,Wuhan 430100,China; 2 The First Institute of Oceanography,MNR,Shandong Qingdao, 266061,China; 3 College of Marine Geosciences,Ocean University of China,Shandong Qingdao 266100,China; 4 Engineering Technology Research Institute,CNPC, Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited,Tianjin 300457,China; 5 Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology,China Geological Survey,Shandong Qingdao 266071,China
Abstract:Tight dolomite in Well Xike 1,Xisha Islands,which featured with low porosity and permeability,which is proven to be composed of two mutually-independent rock mineralogical end-members,interstitial material and surrounding rock according to previous studies. Moreover,since the Xisha Islands are far away from the continental shelf,the geochemical indexes of carbonate rocks on the islands,especially the rare earth elements,are great indicators for the paleo-ocean and sedimentary environment. Hence,the surrounding rock of tight dolomite was studied over its minerals and rare earth elements by means of microscopic observation,SEM-EDS(Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive Spectrometer)and laser in-situ denudation technology. The findings show that the surrounding rock is dominated by fine-grained dolomite in automorphic,hypautomorphic and xenomorphic properties with small pores,where developed typical structure with fogged center and clear margin. Further,typical rare earth elements of marine carbonate rocks such as LREE depletion,La positive anomaly,Ce negative anomaly,and high Y/Ho value are represented in the rare earth element distribution is characterized by. In addition,Eu with positive anomaly is thought to be associated with the seabed hydrothermal activity.
MA Yazeng,CHEN Shu,LIU Zhen et al. Mineral and rare earth elements characteristics of tight dolomite surrounding rock in the Member 1 of Sanya Formation in Well Xike 1,Xisha Islands,China[J]. JOPC, 2023, 25(1): 149-162.
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