Ostracods from the Upper Carboniferous Qijiagou Formation, Urümqi region,Xinjiang and their implications on palaeoenvironment and palaeobiogeography
JIN Jun1,2, LUO Zhengjiang1,2, WANG Jian1,2, ZHANG Xiaogang1,2, CHEN Jun1,2, LI Changgen1,2, SUN Yucong3,4, HUANG Xing3, QIE Wenkun3,4, SONG Junjun3,4
1 Research Institute of Experiment and Detection,PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company,Xinjiang Karamay 834000,China; 2 Joint Laboratory of Stratigraphy and Palaeontology,PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company,Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology,CAS,Xinjiang Karamay 834000,China; 3 State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy,Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology and Center for Excellence in Life and Palaeoenvironment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China; 4 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China
Abstract:The overall occurrence,stratigraphical distribution,palaeoenvironmental and palaeobiogeographical significances of the ostracod faunas from the Upper Carboniferous Qijiagou Formation in the Qijiagou section of the Urümqi region,China,are documented in this study. Nineteen species belonging to 11 genera are identified and figured herein. The ostracod fauna in the Qijiagou Formation indicates an age of the Moscovian-Kasimovian. The ostracod assemblages from the Qijiagou Formation belong to palaeocopid and smooth-podocopid associations,and ecologically equivalent to the OA1-OA3 assemblages in the active plate margin. The changes of ostracod assemblages and sedimentary evidences from the Qijiagou section indicate littoral and shallow sea facies,and there was probably a regression when the Qijiagou Formation were being deposited in the Qijiagou section of the Urümqi region. The ostracods of the Qijiagou Formation have strong affinities with the taxa of Tarim,Junggar,central Tianshan and Urals,and also share some similarities with those from North America,West Europe and North China. This implies that the Junggar and Tarim blocks converged and were relatively close to the Laurasia during the Pennsylvanian(Late Carboniferous),and ostracods experienced faunal exchanges between Junggar-Tarim blocks and Laurentia. The above ostracods, further enriched the fossil materials of Qijiagou Formation, is of great sinificance for exploring the evolutionary characteristics of the acient Asian Ocean and regional mineral devdopment.
JIN Jun,LUO Zhengjiang,WANG Jian et al. Ostracods from the Upper Carboniferous Qijiagou Formation, Urümqi region,Xinjiang and their implications on palaeoenvironment and palaeobiogeography[J]. JOPC, 2023, 25(2): 356-367.
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