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古地理学报  2024, Vol. 26 Issue (4): 816-833    10.7605/gdlxb.2024.04.050
岩相古地理学及沉积学 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
断陷湖盆陡坡带早期斜向扇三角洲形成机制、发育规律及勘探启示: 以东营凹陷北带为例*
李晋1, 刘震2, 张忠民1, 刘建平3, 孙笑凡2, 刘惠民4, 杨光5, 朱茂林2, 王文彬5, 肖洪2
1 中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083;
2 中国石油大学(北京)地球科学学院,北京 102249;
3 重庆科技学院石油与天然气工程学院,重庆 401331;
4 中国石化胜利油田分公司,山东东营 257015;
5 中国石化胜利油田分公司勘探开发研究院,山东东营 257015
Formation mechanism,development regularity and exploration implica-tion of oblique fan delta in steep slope zone of rift lacustrine basin in the early stage of rifting: a case from northern belt of Dongying sag
LI Jin1, LIU Zhen2, ZHANG Zhongmin1, LIU Jianping3, SUN Xiaofan2, LIU Huimin4, YANG Guang5, ZHU Maolin2, WANG Wenbin5, XIAO Hong2
1 Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute,Sinopec,Beijing 100083,China;
2 College of Geosciences,China Universety of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing 102249,China;
3 School of Petroleum Engineering,Chongqing University of Science and Technology,Chongqing 401331,China;
4 Shengli Oilfield Company,Sinopec,Shandong Dongying 257015,China;
5 Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute,Shengli Oilfield Company,Sinopec,Shandong Dongying 257015,China

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