Emergence of marco-organismal ecosystem of the Late Doushantuoian in South China and its significance
Wang Yue1,2, Zhao Mingsheng1, Yang Yanfei2, Wang Xunlian2
1 School of Resources and Environments, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550003,Guizhou 2 School of Earth Sciences and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing 100083
Abstract:The evolution of ecosystem is a major force on the origin and evolution of life. In the early evolution of life, the process of ecosystematic evolution was from the Mat-dominated Ecosystem, through the Plankton-eukaryotic Ecosystem and Marcoalgal Ecosystem, to the Macro-organismal Ecosystem, then to a relatively mature ecosystem in the Cambrian. The evolution of the early ecosystem mainly exhibited the developments:(1)what the habitats expanded from the surface layer of deposits to the water column and then to the inner of deposits in habitat;(2)what the relation of different species was from passive accepters to active competitors in life demands for environment factors;(3)what the energy transformation changed from the extra-intussuscepting or extra-assimilating to the endo-assimilating after extra-feeding;(4)the ecological pyramid changed complication and multilevel; and(5)what the organisms gradually enhanced the ability improving environment. In the macro-organismal ecosystem which emerged in the Late Doushantuoian of the Ediacaran in South China, organisms drastically enhanced the competition and reform for environment factors demanded by them, and began to actualize the energy transformation in the inner body of organism. The multilevel and complication of the ecological pyramid show that the macro-organismal ecosystem in the Late Doushantuoian is a key transition in the evolutional speed of life and a prelude of the Cambrian explosion.
Wang Yue,Zhao Mingsheng,Yang Yanfei et al. Emergence of marco-organismal ecosystem of the Late Doushantuoian in South China and its significance[J]. JOPC, 2009, 11(6): 641-651.
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