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古地理学报  2009, Vol. 11 Issue (6): 652-660    10.7605/gdlxb.2009.06.005
生物古地理学及古生态 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
卢远征 邓胜徽
中国石油勘探开发研究院提高石油采收率国家重点实验室,北京 100083
Palaeoclimate around the Triassic—Jurassic Boundary in southern margin of Junggar Basin
Lu Yuanzheng, Deng Shenghui
State Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery(Research Institute of Petroleum
Exploration & Development,PetroChina),Beijing 100083
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摘要 准噶尔盆地南缘的郝家沟剖面三叠系—侏罗系连续发育,是研究三叠系—侏罗系界线及相关地质问题的重要剖面。孢粉分析发现,上三叠统郝家沟组以气候适应范围较宽的裸子植物花粉占优势,而在下侏罗统八道湾组下部主要适应温暖湿润气候的蕨类植物孢子含量明显增高,在组合中常占据优势地位,说明研究区早侏罗世气候比晚三叠世更为潮湿。沉积岩有机碳同位素分析结果显示,在剖面八道湾组下部的δ13C值总体低于-24.5‰,形成两次明显的负向偏移,同时采集的丝炭样品的分析结果也证明δ13C在八道湾组下部具有明显负向偏移。根据现代湖泊沉积有机质碳同位素与气候关系的研究成果,沉积有机质稳定碳同位素负偏是气候温暖潮湿化的反应,支持了孢粉研究的结果。以上表明,研究区侏罗纪之初的气候比晚三叠世更加炎热潮湿。
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关键词 准噶尔盆地郝家沟剖面晚三叠世早侏罗世古气候变化    
Abstract:The Haojiagou section, located in the southern margin of the Junggar Basin, is of great significance in studying the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary events. The lower part of the section(bed 4 to bed 44)belongs to the Haojiagou Formation that is assigned to the Upper Triassic, and the interval of bed 45 to bed 102 is the Badaowan Formation that is considered to be the Lower Jurassic. The palynological data show that the gymnosperm pollen grains dominate all the Haojiagou Formation, and fern spores have higher proportion than the gymnosperm pollen grains in the lower member of the Badaowan Formation. Taking into account that most ferns adapt to warm and humid climatic environment, we believe that it was warmer and more humid in the Early Jurassic than in the Late Triassic. Organic carbon isotope data from the Haojiagou section demonstrate that δ13C curve has an obvious negative excursion(less than -24.5‰)in the interval of bed 44 to bed 68, while the underlying and overlying strata have similar δ13C values(greater than -24.5‰). Analyses of charcoal samples show a similar negative excursion in bed 44 to bed 59. According to the results of ecological research, sedimentary organic matter has lighter carbon isotope values when the climate is warm and humid. Therefore, it is concluded that at the beginning of the Early Jurassic the climate was warmer and more humid than before and afterward.
Key wordsJunggar Basin    Haojiagou section    Late Triassic    Early Jurassic    palaeoclimatic change   
收稿日期: 2009-07-27      出版日期: 2009-12-01
ZTFLH: Q913.84  
基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目“中国北方地区陆相三叠—侏罗系界线的生物地层学和碳同位素地层学综合研究”(批准号: 40372021)和国家973计划项目(编号:2006CB701400)联合资助
作者简介: 卢远征,男,1976年生,2008年于中国地质大学(北京)博士研究生毕业,现为中国石油勘探开发研究院工程师,从事古生物学与地层学研究。E-mail: Luyz@petroChina.com.cn。
. 准噶尔盆地南缘三叠纪—侏罗纪之交的古气候*[J]. 古地理学报, 2009, 11(6): 652-660.
. Palaeoclimate around the Triassic—Jurassic Boundary in southern margin of Junggar Basin[J]. JOPC, 2009, 11(6): 652-660.
http://journal09.magtechjournal.com/gdlxb/CN/10.7605/gdlxb.2009.06.005     或     http://journal09.magtechjournal.com/gdlxb/CN/Y2009/V11/I6/652

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