Abstract:Palynological and charcoal analyses of both the sedimentary profile and cultural layers of Qujialing site, Hubei Province suggest that evergreen broad-leaved and deciduous broad-leaved forests were distributed in the surrounding areas of the site between 5400 and 4200 \{a BP\}. Abundant Gramineae and Pinus pollens and charcoal points to strong human activities; the warm and wet climate during this period provided favourable condition for the development of Qujialing and Shijiahe Cultures. During 4200—2200 a BP, grassland which is composed of Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Thalictrum and ferns etc. was developed. The decline of the Cyperaceae and Ceratopteris indicates a shift to more arid environment, resulting in a widespread grassland. The trend towards more arid environment was mainly caused by a stronger human activity and subsequent drier climate. Along with the increasing aridity, the Qujialing and Shijiahe Cultures became declined and eventually collapsed. By 2200 a BP,an increase of Cyperaceae pollens and Ceratopteris spores suggests that relatively moist habitats existed during this period around the Qujialing site. Meanwhile, the rich Gramineae and high concentration of microcharcoal particles indicate the arrival of another prosperous period in human history.
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