Abstract:As an important category of carbonate rocks,the forming mechanism and its temporal-spatial distribution feature have been an important researching topic in sedimentology all along.Although lots of models of dolomitization have been proposed and are used to interpret the origin of diversified dolostone,the forming mechanism and process of dolomite have not been simulated and confirmed under experimental conditions,which led to a conundrum in sedimentology,i.e.the “dolostone problem”.The formation of dolostone has been simplified as the dolomitization and has been referred as one type of carbonate diagenesis,which represents the first advance of scientific concept.On the basis of the excellent preservation of the primary sedimentary fabrics for the Precambrian dolostone,the change from the previous assumption that the Precambrian dolostone could be primary precipitates to an important concept of the mimetic dolomitization means the second advance of scientific concept.The third advance of scientific concept for dolomite and dolomitization,should refer to the model of microbial dolomitization resulted from the understanding of that microbes can help to dolomitization.Seeking these important advancements will be very meaningful to further understand the progresses of the studies of the “dolostone problem” in sedimentology.
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