Abstract:This research was based on a 14 m long core from the Borehole BHQ in Beihu Lake,Pingyao area of Zhejiang Province. With 4 dating data by AMS14C method,palynological analysis was performed on 49 samples. It showed that the palynological concentrations varied greatly in different samples,and there were a wide variety of plants,i.e., totally 103 pollen types were recorded. Based on characteristics of palynological assemblages and lithology,3 pollen zones and 9 pollen subzones were divided,and the environmental sequence of vegetation succession and climatic temperature change in the Early and Middle Holocene for the study area was reconstructed. In the interval of 19-8.9 m,corresponding to the Early Holocene,vegetation in the study area was mainly conifer-deciduous broad-leaved forest,including Quercus(deciduous),Pinus,Altingiaceae and Pterocarya as well as Quercus(evergreen), Ulmus,etc. There were low content of evergreen trees,indicating that after the “Younger Dryas Event”at the late period of Late Pleistocene,the study area entered into the Holocene,and climate quickly turned warm. In the interval of 8.9~6.7m,corresponding to the Megathermal,this was the best period of hydrothermal condition in all sections. At this period,evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest were dominant,including Quercus(deciduous),Quercus(evergreen),Pinus,Altingiaceae,Pterocarya and Ulmus. And the species and quantity of evergreen trees were far more than that of the former period,indicating warm and humid climate. During the 6.7~4.775m sedimentary period,corresponding to the Middle Holocene,there was an apparent fluctuation in palynological assemblages,and the vegetation in the study area mainly contained deciduous broad-leaved forest such as Quercus(deciduous),Altingiaceae,Pinus and Pterocarya. The number of Quercus(evergreen)dwindled rapidly. It showed that the vegetation type in the study area had evolved into deciduous and broad-leaved forests. It reflected that the area experienced a relatively-drastical climatic deterioration event. And the high concentration of Oryza pollen(≥35μm) during this period might indicate a certain scale of ancient human activity in the study area.
Lu Wenchen,Ye Wei. Characteristics of pollen assemblage and climate change in the Holocene at Borehole BHQ in Pingyao area, Zhejiang Province[J]. JOPC, 2014, 16(5): 687-702.
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