Abstract:The Yishu Strait is a region of 60~90,km wide and 300,km long that is located at the western side of the Changyi-Dadian Fault of the Tanlu Fault Zone,which extent is essentially as same as that of the middle segment of the Tanlu Fault Zone. During the Neoproterozoic,littoral neritic sediments composed of terrigenous clastics,clays and carbonates were deposited in the basin. These sediments belong stratigraphically to the Tumen Group from the Qingbaikou to Sinian. A variety of soft-sediment deformation structures(SSDS)were identified from the Tumen Group,including dikes or veins of liquefied sand,load cast structures,flame structures,ball-and-pillow structures,soft boudinages,diapirs,slumps and synsedimentary faults. They occur in the Nanhua Tongjiazhuang Formation(which consists of quartz sandstones,marls and shales),the Sinian Fulaishan Formation(which consists of fine sandstones and silty sandstones interbedded with shales)and the Shiwangzhuang Formation(with mainly carbonate rocks,interbedded in the lower part with sandy shales)of the Tumen Group. They are records of seismic events,i.e. seismites,which were related to tectonic tension and seismic activity in the Paleo-Tanlu Fault Zone. Strong earthquakes caused by the rifting of the strait basin was the dynamic trigger mechanism responsible for the formation of the SSDS during the mid-late stage of the Neoproterozoic(approx. 800-600,Ma). Because of the joint occurrence of microspar calcite veins(molar tooth structures)and seismogenic soft-sediment deformation structures(such as load casts,flames,boudinage features and synsedimentay faults),incombination with the results of earthquake-simulation experiments, it must be deduced that the micro-spar calcite veins represent most probably veins of fluidized saturated lime-mud(a water-saturated sediment consisting of fine calcite particles)in the Shiwangzhuang Formation. The results of trace-element analyses show that w(La)/w(Sc) and the w(La)/w(Th) ratios in the seismites are higher than the average ratios in the upper continental crust and in normal sedimentary layers,whereas the w(Th)/w(Sc) ratio is lower. The Ni and Cr content in seismites is also higher than in the upper continental crust and in normal sedimentary layers. These characteristics of the trace-elements reflect the instability of the basin basement,rapid deposition,and the mixing with elements from deep sources. A series of seismite with soft-sediment deformation structures in the Tumen Group once more prove the existence and activity of the paleo-Tanlu Fault Zone. The seismic events recorded by these seismites might also be considered as a response to the Tsinning tectonics and even to the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent.
基金资助:*国家自然科学基金项目(批准号: 41272066)和长江学者计划项目(批准号: IRT13075)联合资助; [Co-funded by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41272066)and the Yangtze River Scholars and Innovation Team Development Plan(Grant No. IRT13075)]
Zhang Banghua,Tian Hongshui,A.J.van Loon. Earthquake-induced soft sediment deformations and their trace-element information in the Neoproterozoic Yishu Strait[J]. JOPC, 2017, 19(1): 99-116.
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