Chronology test and its significance of ancient earthquakes in the Pleistocene in southwestern margin of Qaidam Basin
Zhu Meng1, Li Dewei2, Li Shu1, Liu Demin2, Luo Wenxing3
1 Changjiang Institute of Survey Technical Research. MWR,Wuhan 430000,Hubei; 2 School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences(Wuhan), Wuhan 430074,Hubei; 3 Three Gorges Geotechnical Consultants Co.,Ltd., Wuhan 430000,Hubei;
Abstract:The southwestern margin of the Qaidam Basin was intensely affected by a series of faulting movement of the Neocene in the north of Kunlun Mountain,and developed serious soft sediment deformation structure such as load structures,flame structures,ball-and-pillow structures,seismic breccias,ground fissure,vibrational liquefaction deformation structure and synsedimentary micro-fault faults. The regional geological survey,the measured sections and sample tests all analysis that there were three strong uplift of mountains in 1.8-1.2 Ma,0.8Ma and 0.15Ma,these uplift events were accompanied by a strong ancient seismic activity. As the sedimentary and structural response in the uplift event,it formed a series of typical continental facies interplate seismites and the construction signs of seismites. It has a important significance to research the interplate uneven uplift of the Qinghai ̄Tibet Plateau and relationship among tectonic uplift,earthquake,deposition effects.
Zhu Meng,Li Dewei,Li Shu et al. Chronology test and its significance of ancient earthquakes in the Pleistocene in southwestern margin of Qaidam Basin[J]. JOPC, 2017, 19(1): 129-138.
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