Characteristics of soft-sediment deformation structures of the Early Cretaceous in Lingshan Island of Shandong Province
Wang Andong1, Zhou Yaoqi1, Yan Hua2, Wang Rui2, Zhang Zhenkai1, Wang Ziyang1
1 School of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao266580, Shandong 2 Geological Scientific Research Institute, Shengli Oilfield Company Ltd. , Sinopec, Dongying257015, Shandong
Abstract To analyze the distribution characteristics and formation stages of soft-sediment deformation structures in slump folds in Lingshan Island, field outcrops, thin sections, geological statistics and some other methods was utilized to do comprehensive research on Laohuzui section and Chuanchang section. Giant slump folds, load structures, ladder faults, boudinages, ball-pillow structures and other deformation structures developed on the Chuanchang section. And intrafolial folds, micro-ladder faults and intra-formational breccias, distributed on Laohuzui section. According to the forming time, development position and morphological characteristics, deformations on the Chuanchang section were classified into pre-slump deformations and syn-slump deformations, and the pre-slump deformations were subdivided into infra-slump fold deformations and intra-slump fold deformations. Slump folds showed multi-order and multi-scale. The main slump folds were composed of thick layers of turbidite in meter-scale. The secondary slump folds were composed of laminaes in|milimeter-scale. There were different stresses in the different parts of rocks in the slumping process, with some other deformation structures concomitant, such as boudins formed by tensile stress and shear folds formed by extrusion stress. Load structures formed before the slump kept the original shapes in the slumping process, and didnt deform in the following rock deformation process. The study on soft-sediment deformation structures of Lingshan Island proved that the palaeoearthquake activities were frequent in the Early Cretaceous.
About author: Wang Andong, born in 1980, is a Ph. D. candidate of geology at China University of Petroleum(East China). E-mail:
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Wang Andong,Zhou Yaoqi,Yan Hua et al. Characteristics of soft-sediment deformation structures of the Early Cretaceous in Lingshan Island of Shandong Province[J]. JOPC, 2013, 15(5): 717-728.
Wang Andong,Zhou Yaoqi,Yan Hua et al. Characteristics of soft-sediment deformation structures of the Early Cretaceous in Lingshan Island of Shandong Province[J]. JOPC, 2013, 15(5): 717-728.
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