Abstract The study analyses a 7.5-m-thick sedimentary succession deposited in the largest sandur (the Gwda sandur, a glacial outwash plain) in NW Poland, during the late Weichselian (MIS 2). Although the study site is located in the distal zone of the sandur, its sedimentological features and palaeohydrological parameters reflect the presence of an energetic, powerful environment typical of the proximal zone. Three sedimentary units were recognized in the studied sedimentary succession: (1) lower unit - fine-grained sands with ripple cross-lamination and horizontal lamination; (2) middle unit - gravelly coarse-grained sands and sandy gravels with planar cross-stratification; and, (3) upper unit - sands and gravelly sands with trough cross-stratification. Although the age of deposition of the sandur is accepted to be convergent with that of end-moraines of the same phase, the sediments in the distal zone of the Gwda sandur correlate with an earlier glaciation phase/subphase. Our findings hint at a complex problem: large sandurs such as the Gwda sandur were probably deposited over a long time, and their successions might record the textural and structural features of the proximal subenvironment, even in their distal parts due to deglaciation-related shifting of the proximal zone of a sandur. This paper presents a new approach to analysing the depositional processes in large sandurs, shows a new light on glaciofluvial water supply dynamics of distal parts of sandurs, and may solve several fundamental problems related to the sandur deposition.
. A record of deglaciation-related shifting of the proximal zone of a sandur - A case study from the Gwda sandur, NW Poland (MIS 2)[J]. Journal of Palaeogeography, 2021, 10(2): 244-258.
. A record of deglaciation-related shifting of the proximal zone of a sandur - A case study from the Gwda sandur, NW Poland (MIS 2)[J]. Journal of Palaeogeography, 2021, 10(2): 244-258.
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