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  Current Issue
2024 Vol.  13 No.  2
Published: 20 April 2024

181 Untangling the biotic stress in the late Maastrichtian Deccan-benchmark interval of Bidart (France)
Subham Patra, Gerta Keller, Eric Font, Thierry Adatte, Jahnavi Punekar
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2024, 13 (2): 181-198 doi:10.1016/j.jop.2024.02.003
[Abstract] ( 16 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (10070 KB)   ( 9 )
199 New material of Coniopteris simplex from the Middle Jurassic of the Ordos Basin, Inner Mongolia, China and implications on its spatio-temporal distribution and paleogeography
Yun-Feng Li, Chang-Lu Zhang, Fei Liang, Xiao Tan, Fan-Hao Gong, Chun-Lin Sun, Tao Li, Yu-Ling Na
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2024, 13 (2): 199-211 doi:10.1016/j.jop.2024.03.001
[Abstract] ( 11 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (13790 KB)   ( 7 )
212 Global paleobiogeography of Albian-Cenomanian (mid-Cretaceous) marine ostracods
Bernardo Vázquez-García, Jorge Villegas-Martin, Gerson Fauth, Leonardo Borghi, Aristóteles De Moraes Rios Netto
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2024, 13 (2): 212-236 doi:10.1016/j.jop.2024.02.002
[Abstract] ( 10 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (14037 KB)   ( 5 )
237 Copernicrinus zamori gen. et sp. nov., the oldest thiolliericrinid crinoid (Crinoidea, Echinodermata) from the Bajocian strata of northwestern Algeria, Africa
Bartosz J. Płachno, Madani Benyoucef, Fayçal Mekki, Mohammed Adaci, Imad Bouchemla, Sreepat Jain, Marcin Krajewski, Mariusz A. Salamon
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2024, 13 (2): 237-251 doi:10.1016/j.jop.2024.02.001
[Abstract] ( 7 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (19576 KB)   ( 5 )
252 Cyclicity of the Lower Buntsandstein in the eastern part of the Central European Basin: Implications for Early Triassic palaeogeography and for geochronological calibration
Anna Becker
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2024, 13 (2): 252-292 doi:10.1016/j.jop.2024.01.002
[Abstract] ( 5 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (162109 KB)   ( 4 )
293 Marinoan glaciation in the Indian subcontinent - Anatomy and global implications
H. N. Bhattacharya
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2024, 13 (2): 293-308 doi:10.1016/j.jop.2024.01.004
[Abstract] ( 5 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (80852 KB)   ( 2 )
309 Littoral landforms of Lake Hulun and Lake Buir (China and Mongolia): Wind-driven hydro-sedimentary dynamics and resulting clastics distribution
Li Wang, Mathieu Schuster, Shi-Wei Xin, Florin Zăinescu, Xin-Yu Xue, Joep Storms, Jan-Hendrik May, Alexis Nutz, Helena van der Vegt, Guilherme Bozetti, Zai-Xing Jiang
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2024, 13 (2): 309-326 doi:10.1016/j.jop.2024.03.002
[Abstract] ( 8 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (68504 KB)   ( 4 )
351 Substrate control in track registration and preservation: insights across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in southern Africa
Loyce Mpangala, Miengah Abrahams, Emese M. Bordy
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2024, 13 (2): 351-371 doi:10.1016/j.jop.2024.01.001
[Abstract] ( 5 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (23299 KB)   ( 4 )
327 MIS 5e Sea Surface Temperature estimation; a multi-proxy approach using a marine macrofossil assemblage (Mar Piccolo, Gulf of Taranto, Southern Italy)
Pierluigi Santagati, Edoardo Perri, Maria Pia Bernasconi, Mario Borrelli, Salvatore Guerrieri, Salvatore Critelli
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2024, 13 (2): 327-350 doi:10.1016/j.jop.2024.01.005
[Abstract] ( 5 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (16579 KB)   ( 6 )
Palaeobiology and palaeoecology
372 Corrigendum to “The new ichnotaxon Eubrontes nobitai ichnosp. nov. and other Saurischian tracks from the Lower Cretaceous of Sichuan Province and a review of Chinese Eubrontes-type tracks” [Journal of Palaeogeography (10) (2021) 17]
Li-Da Xing, Martin G. Lockley, Hendrik Klein, Li-Jun Zhang, Anthony Romilio, W. Scott Persons IV, Guang-Zhao Peng, Yong Ye, Miao-Yan Wang
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2024, 13 (2): 372-372 doi:10.1016/j.jop.2023.05.005
[Abstract] ( 2 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (209 KB)   ( 4 )
373 Corrigendum to “Frenguellia (Lycopsida) from the uppermost Devonian of West Junggar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, NW China, and its implications on protolepidodendralean leaf morphology and paleophytogeography” [Journal of Palaeogeography 12(2) (2023) 263-277 (00298)]
Bing-Cai Liu, Kai Wang, Rui-Wen Zong, Jiao Bai, Ning Yang, Yi Wang, Hong-He Xu
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2024, 13 (2): 373-373 doi:10.1016/j.jop.2023.07.002
[Abstract] ( 2 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (221 KB)   ( 6 )
374 Corrigendum to "Grain-size and compositional variability of Yarlung Tsangpo sand (Xigaze transect, south Tibet): Implications for sediment mixing by fluvial and aeolian processes" [Journal of Palaeogeography 12 (2) (2023) 195-210]
Wen Lai, Wen-Dong Liang, Xiu-Mian Hu, Eduardo Garzanti, Hua-Yu Lu, Xiao-Long Dong
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2024, 13 (2): 374-374 doi:10.1016/j.jop.2024.01.003
[Abstract] ( 2 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (214 KB)   ( 3 )
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