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25 May 2005, Volume 19 Issue 05
The construction and expression of MBP- hmcm6
WANG Lei;YU Boguang;WU Wenyan
2005, 19(05):  321-324. 
Abstract ( 597 )  
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Value of E- cadherin in labeling carcinoma cell in body cavity effusions
WU Wanxin;WEN Xiaowei;LU Ning;ZHANG Yanping;QIAN Jianyu;TANG Zhengying;WANG Zhen
2005, 19(05):  324-328. 
Abstract ( 481 )  
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Different polymerase chain reaction detecting c- erbB- 2 oncogene amplification in gastric carcinoma
WANG Jianxun;YUE Xiulan;CAO Hongran;BAI Xuefeng
2005, 19(05):  330-333. 
Abstract ( 657 )  
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Expression of survivin in breast carcinoma and its relationship with caspase- 3 and PCNA
CHEN Gang;ZHOU Fuxiang;GAO Xia;XIA Dong
2005, 19(05):  340-343. 
Abstract ( 490 )  
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p16 and nm23 expression in bladder carcinoma
YANG Hongmei;ZHENG Meizhen
2005, 19(05):  344-345. 
Abstract ( 418 )  
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