To retrieve the Holocene history of climatic and environmental changes in the coastal area of Fujian Province, we conducted a multiproxy survey of a lake core(eggrain size, magnetic susceptibility, C/N ratio) of the core from the Longhu Lake in Jinjiang with a chronological support of three AMS dates. The chronostratigraphic data show that the Longhu Lake was initiated from a floodplain at about 5580 calaBP. and lasted for about 4370 years(till about 850 calaBP). The lake transformed to a marsh at about 850 calaBP and the marsh then reverted to a lake at about 470 calaBP. The record of the past about 400 years is absent because the corresponding sediments were removed by a massive dredging in 1958. The proxy data indicate that the climatic wetness fluctuated relatively dramatically since the formation of Longhu Lake in Fujian coastal area. They also show that typhoonrelated precipitation intensity has been decreasing for the past 5500 years, suggesting that the declining trend in the intensity of typhoon might have resulted from the declining trend of the solar insolation. The marsh sediment indicates that the precipitation decreased further. According to the AMS14C data, the date of marsh environment can be correlated to the events of the Sun activity, the ice raft, Asian monsoon and so on, indicating that the formation of the marsh was related to the global abrupt climate event which was superimposed on the long timescale natural climatic changes. The sediment records from Longhu Lake suggest that during the cold periods the precipitation related to typhoon along the coastal area of Fujian decreased, and vice verse, the global warming will cause the increase of typhoon precipitation there.