Abstract:The Middle-Lower Devonian Niqiuhe Formation,with about 1000m thick,developed at the East Ujimqin Qi of Inner Mongolia. It mainly consists of mudstone,siltstone and limestone. A great deal of brachiopoda and coral fossils are often found in the siltstone. Storm deposit and the trace fossil of Beaconites were found for the first time. The storm deposits consist from the bottom to the top of four segments,namely graded bedding,parallel bedding,hummocky cross-bedding and wavy bedding. Beaconites is characterized by pipe wall and horizontal “V”back-packing structure. The research of petrofacies,fossils,storm deposits and Beaconites shows that the Niqiuhe Formation in East Ujimqin Qi area belongs to shallow sea facies.
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