1 Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Geology and Environment,Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China; 2 Innovation Academy for Earth Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China; 3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China
Abstract Bioliths are the main research object of the new interdisciplinary biopetrology,are rocks formed by biological processes,including reef rocks,rocks composed of non-reef-building organisms and micrite,and rocks formed by microbial processes. Previously,reef rocks and microbialites were studied separately and not included in the same discipline. The classical classification system of reef rocks and microbialites only includes a part of reef rocks and microbialites,and some biolith types are not recognized and included. The incomplete classification of bioliths limited the research of bioliths. In this paper,a unified classification system of bioliths including reef rocks,non-reef-building skeletal carbonates,microbialites and other microbiogenic rocks is proposed. The new basic bioliths include biomicrite,microlithite,microbialite,microallolite,micromicrite,framelite,crustolite,wrapolite,and filalite. This classification of bioliths into 24 basic rock types in 4 levels may facilitate the study of bioliths. The author also modified and improved the definition of some rocks such as framestone and discussed some problems in the study of biolith.
Fund:Co-funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41972320)and the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.(B)XDB26000000)
About author: WU Yasheng,born in 1963,is an associate professor at Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,and a professor at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is mainly engaged in research of biopetrology and paleontology of carbonates. E-mail: wys@mail.igcas.ac.cn.
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WU Yasheng. Classification of biolith(biogenic rocks)[J]. JOPC, 2023, 25(3): 511-524.
WU Yasheng. Classification of biolith(biogenic rocks)[J]. JOPC, 2023, 25(3): 511-524.
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