Abstract Deep water carbonate sediments include allochthonous carbonate sediments released from shallow water by gravity flow and carbonate contourite and static autochthonous deep sea carbonate sediments. Deep water carbonate sediments were controlled by gravity flow, contoured flow and also controlled by carbonate productivity of surface water, dilution of siliciclastic from the land, and carbonate corrosion under deep sea. Most researches indicate that deep water carbonate sediments perfectly response to sea level variations and climatic changes no matter whether gravity flow or no gravity sediments. The information about environmental evolution can be obtained through studying on deep water carbonate sediments. Meanwhile, there are rich oil, natural gas and other sedimentary mineral resources in deep water carbon ate rocks. So, there are important theoretical and applied significances.
About author: Jiang Maosheng, born 1963, received Ph D degree from the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1993. Now he is an associate research fellow in the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is engaged in sedimentology.
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Jiang Maosheng,Zhu Jingquan,Li Xuejie. NEW PROGRESS IN RESEARCH ON DEEP WATER CARBONATE SEDIMENTATION[J]. JOPC, 2001, 3(4): 61-68.
Jiang Maosheng,Zhu Jingquan,Li Xuejie. NEW PROGRESS IN RESEARCH ON DEEP WATER CARBONATE SEDIMENTATION[J]. JOPC, 2001, 3(4): 61-68.
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