Sedimentary characteristics and its genetic analysis of Zhangxia Loess of Jinan, Shandong Province
Zhang Zulu Xin Liangjie Huang Ping
1 College of Population, Resources and Environment; Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, Shandong
2 Department of Physics, Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014, Shandong
Loess layers with varying thickness are distributed broadly on the terraces and piedmonts of the Dasha River and a small tributary of the lower reaches of the Yellow River.The material sources are complicated, including materials transported by northwestern current and maybe eastern Bohai Bay current and the local pluvial sediments. Based on the characters of water erosion and rock clast,the Zhangxia loess is possibally a product of aeolian-pluvial-alluvial process.The development of the Zhangxia loess accords with the climate changes during the Late Pleistocene that are documented by previous studies.
About author: Zhang Zulu, born in 1949, is a professor and doctor supervisor of Shandong Normal University. He is mainly engaged in research of environmental change and disaster.
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. Sedimentary characteristics and its genetic analysis of Zhangxia Loess of Jinan, Shandong Province [J]. JOURNAL OF PALAEOGEOGRAPHY, 2005, 7(1): 98-106.
. Sedimentary characteristics and its genetic analysis of Zhangxia Loess of Jinan, Shandong Province [J]. JOPC, 2005, 7(1): 98-106.