Wu Genyao Chen Huanjiang Ma Li Xu Keding
1Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029
2Dept. of Marine Geology & Geophysics,Tongji University, Shanhai
3 Jiangsu Oilfield, SINOPEC, Jiangsu Jiangdu
4 Zhejiang Division of Petroleum Exploration, CNPC, Zhejiang
Based on the basement features, the unique sedimento-igneous formation and deformation of the Sinian—Mesozoic, and the exclusive chatacters for regional mineralization and tectono-thermal events, as well as the paleomagnetic data, the Su—Wan (an abbreviation for Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces) Block might be considered as an independent tectonic unit during the period of Tethyan evolution. The Su—Lu (an abbreviation for Jiangsu and Shandong Provinces) Ocean, which once separated the Su—Wan Block from the North China Craton, finally closed in Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, and the Su—Lu Orogen was a part of the East Asian Yanshanides. The Early Precambrian of the Su—Wan Block might be a part of the North China Craton. It drifted away, and correspondingly, the Su—Lu Ocean opened in Middle-Late Proterozoic. The Su—Wan Block attached to the Yangtze tectonic domain during the Sinan and Early Paleozoic, and its sedimento-volcanic formation and deformation had some differences from that of the Yangtze Craton. The global tectonic framework changed greatly from Devonian when the Paleotethyan oceanic basins opened. Glacial activity and cold water faunas characterized the Gondwana in Permian, while a mantle plume recorded by eruption of the Emeishan basalt featured the Yangtze Craton. During that time the Su—Wan Block, not affected by the mantle plume, might be a median block in the Paleotethyan marine, which was evidenced by the sediments being affected by the glacial activity and the mixed faunas (although no cold water faunas discovered). In other words, The Su—Wan Block must have been independent away from the Yangtze Craton since the latest Carboniferous. The Su—Lu Ocean once subducted in Triassic, but not closed, so the Late Triassic plant fossils in Su—Wan Block differed from that of the Yangtze Craton. The remained ocean subducted and closed in Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, indicated by the widely occurred Andean-type arc magmatism. From then on the Su—Wan Block collided with the North China Craton and became a part of the embryonic Asia continent.
About author: Wu Genyao, born in 1946, is a researcher (professor) at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has been working on the Tethysides in South China, and explorating the relation between orogenic process and coupled basin developing since 1987.
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