Seismic effects from Yishu Fault Zone during the earlier Early Cambrian
Tian Hongshui1, Zhang Banghua1, Zhu Jiewang1, Zhang Zengqi2, Li Hongkui2
1 School of Civil Engineering,Shandong Jianzhu University,Jinan 250014,Shandong 2 Shandong Institute and Laboratory of Geological Sciences,Jinan 250013,Shandong
Abstract In the earlier Early Cambrian,with the proceeding of the marine invasion from the Paleo-Yishu Strait to west,uneven thick deposits of sandstone,mudstone and carbonate rock of littoral,lagoon and neritic facies were deposited in western Shandong Province.The horizon of these layers belongs to the bottom part of Lower Cambrian consisting of the Liguan and Zhushadong Formations.Together with the depositional and formation processes,tectonic rift-depression was taking place in the Yishu Fault Zone,characterized by frequent submarine earthquakes with different seismic effects within 200km range from the Yishu Fault Zone to west.Various seismogenetic syndepositional deformation structures are formed in the seismicrecords.Seismic effect records developed in the Zhushadong Formation are mainly soft-sediment deformations such as diapir structure,carbonate lime-mud volcano,liquefied vein,liquefied breccia,seismic fold,graded-fault,siliceous vein etc.,besides a few brittle deformation of semi-consolidated sediments.Those preserved in the Liguan Formation are not only slump fold,load structure and ball-and-pillow structure,but also some seismo-turbidite.Magnitude reflected by submarine seismic effects might be Richater magnitude of 5.0~8.9.These evidences indicate that strong tectonic activities occurred along the Yishu Fault Zone in the Early Cambrian.Analyses from the viewpoint of marine engineering geology show that seismic effects mentioned above are destructive forms of sediment layers caused by earthquake at the sea-bottom.This paper has provided intuitive materials for understanding earthquake destruction to rock-soil layers of seafloor-engineering foundation.
About author: Tian Hongshui,born in 1956,is an associate professor and is engaged in geology and seismic
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Tian Hongshui,Zhang Banghua,Zhu Jiewang et al. Seismic effects from Yishu Fault Zone during the earlier Early Cambrian[J]. JOURNAL OF PALAEOGEOGRAPHY, 2011, 13(6): 645-656.
Tian Hongshui,Zhang Banghua,Zhu Jiewang et al. Seismic effects from Yishu Fault Zone during the earlier Early Cambrian[J]. JOPC, 2011, 13(6): 645-656.
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