Abstract Red sandstones with large-scale cross-beddings in high dip angles were developed in Yanyuan Basin during the sedimentary period of Eocene Lijiang Formation.Its exact origin is significant for revising the Paleogene palaeogeographic pattern in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and reconstructing the evolutionary process of the Cenozoic arid belt and palaeoclimate in East Asia.Sedimentary characteristics of these red sandstones from the Eocene Lijiang Formation in Yanyuan Basin were systematically analyzed in this paper.The results show that their lithology,grain size distribution,surface features of quartz grains and sedimentary structures are clearly different from aqueous deposits,but perfectly consistent with the corresponding sedimentary characteristics of typical aeolian dunes,indicating that these red sandstones should be attributed to aeolian dunes.Combined with the Paleogene palaeoclimate state,atmospheric circulation pattern and geotectonic setting of the study area,it is further inferred that the Eocene aeolian dunes in Yanyuan Basin could be deposited in the desert environment,which was located in the Chinese Paleogene arid belt.Furthermore,on the basis of existing relevant research data,it is also confirmed that there was an aeolian dune enrichment zone in eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau during the Early-Mid Paleogene epoch.
About author: Cui Xiaozhuang,born in 1984,is an assistant engineer at Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources.He is engaged in sedimentology and petrogeochemistry.E-mail: cdcxiaozhuang@hotmail.com. About the corresponding author Jiang Xinsheng,born in 1956,is a research professor at Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources.He is engaged in palaeogeography,palaeo-desert and global climate change.Tel:028-83231155;E-mail: cdjxinsheng@126.com.
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Cui Xiaozhuang,Jiang Xinsheng,Wu Hao et al. The Paleogene aeolian dunes and their palaeogeographic significance in Yanyuan Basin,eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau[J]. JOURNAL OF PALAEOGEOGRAPHY, 2012, 14(5): 571-582.
Cui Xiaozhuang,Jiang Xinsheng,Wu Hao et al. The Paleogene aeolian dunes and their palaeogeographic significance in Yanyuan Basin,eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau[J]. JOPC, 2012, 14(5): 571-582.
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