Analysis on formation mechanisms of sandstone injectites
Yi Xuefei1 Zhang Changmin1 Li Shaohua1 Du Jiayuan1,2 Zhu Rui1 Zhou Fengjuan2 Yuan Cai2
1 Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Resources and Exploration,School of Geosciences,Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434023,Hubei
2 Shenzhen Branch of CNOOC Ltd.,Guangzhou 510240,Guangdong
Sandstone injectites are liquefied and fluidized sand bodies in deep water,which intrude into the surrounding sediments when the hydraulic fracture occurs under certain overpressure formation conditions and some trigger mechanisms.The forming processes associated with the development of sandstone injectites complexs include elevation of pore pressure,hydrofracture of sealing strata liquefaction,fluidization and injection of sand.The formation of pore overpressure is controlled by a number of factors,such as differential compaction,liquefaction caused by earthquakes,injected fluids and transmission of pressure.Once the pore pressure reaches or exceeds the fracture gradient,seal failure takes place,or overburden fracture occurs,which may be caused by earthquakes,and then the sand is fluidized and intrudes into the low permeable rock.Large amount of soft deep water sand bodies,rapid loading of low or impervious sediments,overpressure forming mechanisms and trigger events are necessary to sandstone injectites.
About author: Yi Xuefei,born in 1986, a doctoral student in Yangtze University,majors in mineral resource prospecting and exploration.She is engaged in sedimentology and stratigraphy.E-mail: About the corresponding author Zhang Changmin,born in 1963,graduated from Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development of PetroChina with a in 1983.Now he is a professor and doctoral advisor in Yangtze University,and engages in sedimentology,reservoir geology and development geology.E-mail:
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Yi Xuefei,Zhang Changmin,Li Shaohua et al. Analysis on formation mechanisms of sandstone injectites[J]. JOURNAL OF PALAEOGEOGRAPHY, 2012, 14(6): 727-732.
Yi Xuefei,Zhang Changmin,Li Shaohua et al. Analysis on formation mechanisms of sandstone injectites[J]. JOPC, 2012, 14(6): 727-732.
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