Based on detail analysis of data of well logging, seismic records, outcrops and cores, the relationship between shale-member sedimentary facies and total organic carbons(TOC) of the Lower Silurian in Middle-Upper Yangtze area was discussed, and the favourable exploration directions were predicted. The Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation consists of black shales interbedded with greenish-gray mudy siltstones, with the thickness of 20~268 m, in Middle-Upper Yangtze area, and two third-order stratigraphy sequences of SQ1 and SQ2, which distributed|stably could be|easily correlated, were distinguished from bottom to top within synchronous|stratigraphic framework. The transgressive systems tract(TST)of lower sequence SQ1 developed a set of organic-rich shale which is favorable for shale gas. During the depositional period of TST, the sedimentary pattern can be described as “abyss-area was open towards north, old lands were located in the east, south and west, deep shelf distributed extensively”, with the deep shelf area of 255 000 km2, and the average thickness of 35 m. Affected by the fall of sea-level, the shallowing of water took place, and lithofacies changed from black shales of deep shelf to laminated silty shales of middle and shallow shelf facies from the lower sequence to the upper sequence. The development of lithofacies was controlled by eustacy of sea-level, old lands, sea-bottom topography and sediment supply, and five lithofacies types including carbonaceous or siliceous or calcareous shales, laminated shales, biologic-stirred silty shales, laminated silty shales and interbeds of massive sandstones or shell limestones were developed. It was proved that the forming of organic-rich shales were intrinsically controlled by sedimentary facies, with deep shelf, middle shelf and lagoon generating high|content of TOC. So far, there were several wells of industry gas flow from the Longmaxi Formation, which had revealed well exploration prospect, for the Middle-Upper Yangtze area. It is synthetically concluded that zones of Fuling-Shishui-Renhuai, Weiyuan-Changning and western Hubei Province-eastern Sichuan Province are the main exploration directions and favorable targets of shale gas in the Lower Silurian of Middle-Upper Yangtze area.
About author: Zheng Herong, born in 1962, doctor, professor senior engineer, vice director of Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Production, Sinopec. He is engaged in subtle hydrocarbon reservoirs, unconventional hydrocarbon geology, and supervisor of grave exploration and production. Tel: 010-82312026;E-mail: Zhengherong.
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Zheng Herong,Gao Bo,Peng Yongmin et al. Sedimentary evolution and shale gas exploration direction of the Lower Silurian in Middle-Upper Yangtze area[J]. JOPC, 2013, 15(5): 645-656.
Zheng Herong,Gao Bo,Peng Yongmin et al. Sedimentary evolution and shale gas exploration direction of the Lower Silurian in Middle-Upper Yangtze area[J]. JOPC, 2013, 15(5): 645-656.
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