Discovery of color patterned Cranaena(Brachiopoda)from the Lower Carboniferous Huangjin Formation in Guilin of Guangxi with a brief comment on its geologicaland geographic distribution
Chen Zhimin, Sun Yuanlin
Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution,Ministry of Education,School of Earth and Space Sciences,Peking University,Beijing 100871
AbstractCranaena guilinensis is a new species of Cranaena from the lower part of the Huangjin Formation(Visean,Lower Carboniferous)of Guilin,Guangxi.It is characterized by a rectimarginate anterior commisure and a dorsal sulcus.Four specimens of this species show radiate color bands on shell surface,suggesting that it lived in a shallow water of warm marine realm.Preliminary study on the geological and geographic distribution and biodiversity pattern of 70 species of the genus indicates that this genus probably originated in area of the Old World Realm peripheral to the Euramerican Continent of the Early Devonian and experienced two times of radiation and dispersal during the Middle to early Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous,respectively,and a biodiversity crisis in the Famennian of Late Devonian.The genus reached to the zenith of its biodiversity during the Middle to early Late Devonian and its geographic distribution also expanded to plates of Siberia,Kasakstan and South China.Although the biodiversity of the genus in the Early Carboniferous is less than that in the Middle to early Late Devonian,the genus obtained the widest geographic distribution,not only in continents of North Hemisphere,but also in the peripheral areas of the Gondwana Continent.The Famennian crisis is obviously related with the F/F mass extinction event.After the Early Carboniferous the genus began to decline and was finally extincted in the beginning of Permian.
About author: Chen Zhimin,born in 1987,is a graduate student for master degree at Peking
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Chen Zhimin,Sun Yuanlin. Discovery of color patterned Cranaena(Brachiopoda)from the Lower Carboniferous Huangjin Formation in Guilin of Guangxi with a brief comment on its geologicaland geographic distribution[J]. JOPC, 2013, 15(6): 795-808.
Chen Zhimin,Sun Yuanlin. Discovery of color patterned Cranaena(Brachiopoda)from the Lower Carboniferous Huangjin Formation in Guilin of Guangxi with a brief comment on its geologicaland geographic distribution[J]. JOPC, 2013, 15(6): 795-808.
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