Primary dolostones of the Meso-Neoproterozoic:Cases on typical platforms in China
Bao Zhi-Dong1,2, Ji Han-Cheng1,2, Liang Ting1,2, Wei Ming-Yang1, Shi Yan-Qing1,2, Li Zong-Feng1, Lu Kai1, Xiang Peng-Fei1, Zhang Hua1, Yan Rui1, Guo Yu-Xin1, Li Zhuo-Lun1, Wan Pu1, Yang Zhi-Bo1, Ma Xiao-Dong1, Liu Rui1, Liu Can-Xing1, Zhong Xu-lin1, Guo Xiao-Qi1, Cai Zhong-Xian3, Zhang Shui-Chang4
1 College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing 102249,China; 2 State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting,China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing 102249, China; 3 School of Earth Resources, China University of Geosciences(Wuhan),Wuhan 430074,China; 4 PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development,Beijing 100083,China
Abstract Based on the exploration of dolostones in outcrops and drilling cores of the Wumishan Formation in the Mesoproterozoic Jixian System in the North China Basin, the Qigbulak Formation in the Neoproterozoic Sinian Series in the Tarim Basin, and the Dengying Formation in the Neoproterozoic Sinian Series in the Sichuan Basin of China, the Meso-Neoproterozoic dolostones show abnormally well-developed medium-thick layered to massive structures. These dolostones contain 86%-97% of dolomicrites, most of which are thick layered to massive. The secondary metasomatism of these dolostones is undeveloped, no matter whether they contain algae, fungi and other microorganisms or not. Sedimentary palaeogeography analyses show: (1) the dolostones in the Meso-Neoproterozoic nearly covered the entire basin, widely deposited in supra- to intertidal zones and open to limited platform environments; (2) Different types of the dolostones were controlled by pre-depositional basement geomorphology. Dolomicrites were mainly developed in depression areas, whereas grainy dolomicrites and domal stromatolitic dolomicrites were mainly developed in uplift areas. (3) Deep-water basins were developed in the carbonate platform, and the seismic profile shows that these basins in the platforms were formed by syngenetic deep faults in the Meso-Neoproterozoic. These faults also led to concentration of magnesium ions in seawater through hydrothermal fluid into carbonate platforms. Geochemical and ancient climate index of dolostones with different sedimentary structures show that their carbon and oxygen isotope ratios have no obvious differentiation, and the ratios are similar to that of the Meso-Neoproterozoic global seawaters, suggesting the fine crystalline dolostones have the same sedimentary origin as the dolomicrites. The fine crystalline dolostones might have resulted from authigenic recrystallization of dolomicrites, rather than secondary metasomatism. All the petrological, sedimentary environmental and geochemical data collectively suggest that the dolostones covered almost the entire Meso-Neoproterozoic typical platform areas of China are of typical primary sedimentary origin.
Fund:Co-funded by the National Key Research and Development Programs of China(Nos. 2017YFC0603104,2018YFC0604304),Sinopec Group Projects(Nos. 10500000-15-ZC0607-0002,10500000-18-ZC0607-0003),China Geological Survey Project(No. IHEGDD2018026)
About author: Bao Zhi-Dong,professor,born in 1964,graduated from University of Petroleum in 1993 with his doctoral degree. He is mainly engaged in researches on sedimentology,reservoir geology and hydrocarbon and geothermal accumulation and evaluation. E-mail:
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Bao Zhi-Dong,Ji Han-Cheng,Liang Ting et al. Primary dolostones of the Meso-Neoproterozoic:Cases on typical platforms in China[J]. JOPC, 2019, 21(6): 869-884.
Bao Zhi-Dong,Ji Han-Cheng,Liang Ting et al. Primary dolostones of the Meso-Neoproterozoic:Cases on typical platforms in China[J]. JOPC, 2019, 21(6): 869-884.
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